
If you’re in immediate danger, or have concerns that require emergency action, please call 999.

Support for children and families

Additional Support for Learning

Enquire – the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning.
Phone: 0345 123 2303

My Rights, My Say – supports children in Scotland aged 12-15 to use their right to have their views considered when decisions are being made about their learning support.
Contact through website: 

Alcohol and Drugs

Drinkline – Supports people who are worried about their own or someone else’s drinking or drug use.
Phone: 0800 7 314 314
Webchat also available: 

Know the Score – Free confidential helpline for drugs information and advice.
Phone: 0800 587 5879

Scottish Families Affected by Drugs and Alcohol – Support you if you are concerned about someone else’s alcohol or drug use.
Phone: 08080 10 10 11

Rebhab 4 Addiction (UK based addiction helpline)
Phone: 0800 140 4690

Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants

Migrant Help UK – Support, guidance, and accommodation to vulnerable migrants across the UK.
Phone: 0808 8010 503

Saheliya – Specialist mental health and well-being support for BAME asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh and Glasgow area.
Phone: 0131 556 9302

Scottish Refugee Council – Services for refugees in Scotland.
Phone: 0141 248 9799

Ukraine Advice Scotland – Providing free, confidential legal advice and information to Ukrainians and their families on legal routes for seeking safety in Scotland.
Phone: 0800 995 6045

BAME Women & Children

Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre – Listening and signposting service for Muslim women across Scotland. Services available in English, Urdu, Arabic, Bangla and Swahili. Online interpretation can be provided when needed.
Phone: 0808 801 0301

Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid – Support for BAME women who experience domestic abuse influenced by culture and tradition.
Phone: 0141 353 0859

Shakti Women’s Aid – Support for BAME women, children and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from members of the household.
Phone: 0131 475 2399


Cruse Bereavement Care – Free professional support for bereaved adults, children, and families across Scotland.
Phone: 0808 808 1677

Children’s Advocacy Services/Support

Clan Childlaw Legal and advocacy services for children and young people. They give free, confidential legal advice and representation in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Glasgow to children and young people up to the age of 18, or 21 if they have been Looked After. They also provide free information and guidance about children’s rights and the law to family members, carers and adults who work with children or young people in Scotland.
Phone: 0808 129 0522

My Rights, My Say – A support service that gives advice and information, advocacy support (for children to prepare for and understand the consequences of their own and their parents use of rights), legal representation for Tribunal references and a service which independently seeks children’s views to inform decision-making.

Barnardo’s Advocacy and Children’s Rights
Contact: website form

 Partners in Advocacy – Independent  advocacy for children, young people, adults and older people across Scotland 

Edinburgh Office

G/1 Links House

15 Links Place



Phone: 0131 478 7723/7724


Glasgow Office

Offices 1 & 2

Strathclyde Business Centre

120 Carstairs St, Dalmarnock
Glasgow G40 4JD

Phone: 0141 847 0660

Dundee Office

Baldovie House

Drumgeith Road



Phone: 01382 217186


Carers Advocacy Highland

Phone: 07458 048 827


Quarriers – one of Scotland’s leading social care charities. They provide practical care and support for vulnerable children, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances. They challenge poverty and inequality of opportunity to bring about positive changes in people’s lives.
Phone: 01505 612224 or 01505 616000

Falkirk Children’s Rights Service – an independent project that aims to empower children and young people up to the age of 18 by ensuring their voice, views and rights are at the heart of all decisions that impact their life. They offer continued support to young people aged 18 to 26 who are care experienced.
Phone: 01324 612308

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition – Campaigning to ensure that care experienced children and young people have a statutory right to independent advocacy.
Phone: 0131 603 8996

Who Cares? Scotland –  Supports care experienced people to have their voice heard and we make that happen in a number of ways.
Phone: 0330 107 7540

Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration – Their vision is that vulnerable children and young people in Scotland are safe, protected, and offered positive futures.
Contact: Local contact details on the website

Domestic Abuse

Cedar Network – Cedar (Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Recovery) is a group work model inspired by, and adapted from, an innovative Canadian model for children who have experienced domestic abuse. The model is based on core principles that recognise that domestic abuse is damaging to children as well as to the mother/child relationship, and on the belief that mothers are best placed to support their children in their recovery. Children and young people attend group with peers around the same age, while mums attend group with other women who have experienced domestic abuse and wish to support their children in their recovery.

Domestic Abuse Helpline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Phone: 0800 027 1234

Men’s Aid – Practical advice and support to men who have been abused.
Phone: 0333 567 0556

The National Stalking Helpline – Provide practical information, support, and advice to victims of stalking.
Phone: 0808 802 0300

The NSPCC FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) Helpline – For anyone who is worried about a child who is at risk of or has had FGM.
Phone: 0800 028 3550

Rape Crisis Scotland – National rape crisis helpline and email support for anyone affected by sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened.
Phone: 08088 01 03 02

RefugeAdvice on dealing with domestic violence.
Phone: 0808 2000 247

SAY Women – Offers safe, supported accommodation and related services for young women, aged 16-25 years, who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Phone: 0141 552 5803

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline – Helpline for anyone experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage, as well as their family members, friends, colleagues, and professionals who support them.
Phone: 0800 027 1234

Women’s Aid Scotland – Working to ensure women are believed, know abuse is not their fault and that their experiences have been understood.
Live chat:


Respectme – Their vision is of a respecting, just, equal, and inclusive Scotland in which all children and young people can live free from bullying and harassment and are encouraged to reach their full potential. Their work is driven by a focus on children’s rights.
Phone: 0344 800 8600

Care Experience

Who Cares? Scotland – Support and advice line for care experienced people.
Phone (call or text): 0775 604 7389.

Forced Marriage & Trafficking

The Forced Marriage Unit – Public helpline to providing advice and support to victims and potential victims of forced marriage as well as professionals dealing with cases.
Phone: 020 7008 0151

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline – Helpline to support anyone experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage, as well as their family members, friends, colleagues and professionals who support them.
Phone: 0800 027 1234

Scottish Women’s Rights Centre – Supporting women aged 16 and over who have been affected by violence and abuse in Scotland.
Phone: 08088 010 789 

The TARA Project – Support and access to crisis accommodation for women in Scotland, aged 18+ who have been trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation.
Phone: 0141 276 7724

Unseen – Trafficking and exploitation prevention helpline.
Phone: 0800 0121 700


The Fostering Network’s Fosterline Scotland – Information and guidance on all issues affecting foster carers and fostering services.
Phone: 0141 204 1400


Together Information about children’s human rights for children, young people and adults.
Phone: 0131 510 1565

Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland Information and advice about human rights for children, young people and adults.
Phone: 0800 019 1179

Childline – A listening service for anyone under the age of 19.
Phone: 0800 1111

NSPCC – Helpline for adults who are worried about children.
Phone: 0808 800 5000
Emergency Social Work Team (Out of Hours)
Phone: 0800 731 6969

Your Local Authority
You can find your local authority online:


Shelter Scotland – Advice, support and legal services for people struggling with bad housing or homelessness.
Phone: 0808 800 4444

Cyrenians Scotland – Tackles the causes and consequences of homelessness.
Phone: 0131 475 2354


LGBT Helpline ScotlandA helpline providing information and emotional support for the entire diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community in Scotland.
Phone: 0300 123 2523

National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline (Galop) – LGBT specific domestic abuse helpline.
Phone: 0800 999 5428

Mental Health

Anxiety UK – Support, advice and information on all anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression conditions.
Phone: 03444 775 774

Breathing Space Scotland – A free, confidential phone and webchat service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression, or anxiety.
Phone: 0800 838587 

Beat – Support for people who have or are worried they have an eating disorder, as well as others affected, such as friends and family members.
Phone: 0808 801 0677 (adults)
Phone: 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s).

CALM – Helpline for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support.
Phone: 0800 58 58 58

Mencap – Charity working with people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Phone lines open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Phone: 0808 808 1111

Mental Health Foundation – Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.

Mind Information and signposting about mental health and mental health law.
Phone: 0300 123 3393.

No Panic – Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Phone: 0844 967 4848

PAPYRUS – Helpline for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.
Phone: 0800 068 4141

Rethink – Support and advice for people living with mental illness.
Phone: 0300 5000 927

Samaritans – Listening service where you can talk about anything.
Phone: 116 123 

SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) – Provide a variety of mental health services across Scotland.

SANE – Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers.
Phone: 0300 304 7000

Trauma Counselling Line Scotland – Confidential telephone counselling to any adult who experienced abuse as a child.
Phone: 08088 020 406

YoungMinds – Information on child and adolescent mental health for parents and professionals.
Phone: 0808 802 5544

Money and Finances

Citizens Advice Scotland – Helps people resolve their money, legal and other problems by providing information and advice.
Phone: 0131 550 1000

National Debtline – Free and independent debt advice over the phone and online.
Phone: 0808 808 4000


Children 1st Parentline – Listening service for anyone needing help or advice.
Phone: 08000 28 22 33

Family Lives – Advice on all aspects of parenting, including dealing with bullying.
Phone: 0808 800 2222

Fathering Together – They envisions an equitable world where fathers invest in their families and communities.

Fathers Network Scotland – advice and support.
Phone: 0131 460 8256

One Parent Families Scotland – Advice and support for single parents.
Phone: 0808 801 0323

Parentclub – Scottish Government website for parents with resources and parenting tips.

Shared Parenting Scotland (Previously Families Need Fathers Scotland) – Advice, assistance and other support for those who are suffering from the consequences of divorce or separation. 

Relationship Support

Relate – The UK’s largest provider of relationship support. 

The Spark – Counselling and support for couples and individuals throughout Scotland.

Relationships Scotland – Scotland’s largest provider of relationship counselling, family mediation and child contact centre services.
Phone: 0345 119 2020

They also provide resources for children and young people, resources for parents and resources to support families through divorce or separation

Sexual Abuse

Child Exploitation and Online Protection If you have experienced online sexual abuse or you’re worried this is happening to someone you know, let them know safely and securely.

Stop it now! Scotland – Confidential advice and support to help you prevent child sexual abuse.
Phone: 0808 1000 900

The Upstream Project – Online resource that enables adults in Scotland to prevent child sexual abuse and to protect the next child.

Speak Out Scotland – Supporting Scotland’s survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Phone: 07488 399917. 

Wellbeing Scotland – A voluntary organisation with services across Scotland, providing a range of holistic services for individuals (both children and adults) and families whose life experiences have impacted negatively on their wellbeing. These include therapeutic services specialising in abuse and trauma work.
Phone: 0800 121 6027 

Victim Support

Victim Support Scotland – Provides support and information services to victims and witnesses of crime in Scotland.
Phone: 0345 603 9213

Midspace – Support for people aged 12 and over and who are victims of crime (the crime does not need to be reported to Police).

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